
[Our Cohesion Is In Our Youth Strength] Youth Grant

  • Local Partners

    Ruwwad Foundation for Dev.

  • Location

    Lahj,- Tuban,

  • Beneficiaries



[Our Cohesion Is In Our Youth Strength] Youth Grant

Four training workshops were implemented targeting 98 young people for a period of 4 training days in 5 communities that were Al-Afyoush, Al-Wahatt, Al-Mallah, Al-Hamra, and Al-Zaydah areas on Tuban district. The average of youth per training course was 25 youth and they were trained in the topics of communication, conflict resolution, negotiation, mediation, social cohesion, resource mobilization, writing grant proposals / small initiatives and the mechanism of their management, and community participation and networking to implement community initiatives. From those workshops, participants developed many proposals. Yet, out of those proposals, 5 community initiatives were implemented in the areas of Kedamah Awad Ali, Al Kadam, Al Alawneh, Al Waht and Mahalla as follows:

-          Initiative to install water distribution network to Al Hanajer / Al Shumaila / Al Warerah neighborhoods in Kadma Ali Awad area,

-          Another initiative to equip and operate the new central water well in Al-Waht area,

-          An initiative to change the main drinking water network in the village of Al Alawna,

-          Other initiative to replace the old drinking water network in the village of Al-Kadam,

-          And, the last initiative was to complete the construction of two classrooms in Labouza school of al-Mahalla area.

  • Project Idea

    In fact, youth did not find anyone to support their quality and position among the community and adopt their issues or take their hands to the right path and enable them to participate actively in decision-making in public life due to the absence of a mentor and sincere leader who is interested in strengthening and building their capabilities in their life matters. Many young people were influenced by the ideas and beliefs of extremist groups little by little until they found their-selves involved due to the increased interest and respect for their personality. In addition, there are thousands of young people trying to escape from reality and social interaction by joining the battle fronts, so many of them have become withdrawn and isolated and victims of drugs that have spread among them in different forms and names. Therefore, Ruwwad Foundation considered it important to adopt such a problem by building the capacities of young people and providing them with a number of personal and life skills that would earn them more respect and appreciation among the community.

  • Goal

    Integrating conflict-affected youth into peacebuilding and promoting social cohesion

  • Impact

    Integrating young people into community work and changing the previous stereotype about youth that is characterized by weakness and absence, and thus cutting the way for extremist groups, which often tend to attract such youth group.