
Apprenticeship Grant

  • Local Partners

    Ruwwad Foundation for Dev.

  • Location

    Lahj,- Tuban,

  • Beneficiaries



Apprenticeship Grant

26 young men from Tuban District were trained and qualified. Those youth were previously involved in the fronts of fighting and violence. So, they were rehabilitated in several fields according to their choice, including electrical installations, solar energy maintenance, and mechanical engineering. Young people were trained theoretically and practically for 6 weeks. Also, 16 awareness sessions were carried out in mosques, schools and among youth gatherings on the dangers of violent extremism on the lives of youth and society and the role of social cohesion in such matters.

  • Project Idea

    Because of the economic crisis that the country is going through in general, which has led to difficulty in the living conditions of communities, especially among young people who have become unemployed in their areas. Therefore, it allowed the parties to the conflict in Yemen in general and Lahj in particular to attract and recruit young people. As this led to the consolidation of a culture of violence and extremism among the youth. It became necessary to look into this issue and address the phenomenon of recruitment through the apprenticeship initiative to provide some of the targeted youth with some life and practical skills.

  • Goal

    To reduce extremism and violent extremism among young people in the district of Tuban - Lahj.

  • Impact

    Restoring confidence among young people who are threatened with extremism or who have engaged in violent extremism after they possess sufficient technical and professional skills and capabilities to help them compete in the labor market and exit the cycle of unemployment, and their intellectual transition from the stage of recruitment and risk to the practice of professional and technical work.