
Judicial System Administration Improvement Grant

  • Local Partners

    Youth Without Borders Organization

  • Location

    Taiz,- al-Mudhaffar,

  • Beneficiaries



Judicial System Administration Improvement Grant

The first judicial forum was established and the court staff trained in technical aspects and archiving, in addition to the establishment of an archive for the courts complex (paper and electronic) that includes all court work, identification papers and important documents to preserve them from loss, and linking the four courts with each other to a single electronic system equipped with 4 computers connected to one server to facilitate Transactions and refer to case files and evidence easily. The database was created in order to save and archive files to improve performance in the courts. The electronic system and archiving (database) contribute to preserving cases documents from loss, facilitating procedures to relieve the suffering of litigants, and preserving information and data to facilitate access and protect them from destruction.

  • Project Idea

    The archives of the Courts Complex suffered from the lack of shelves for files keeping and arranging matters, in addition to the absence of a database for files, hence the idea of creating a soft and hard archive for the court was framed and implemented.

  • Goal

    Preserving the Courts actions and important identification papers from looting and burglary, as well as from damage and loss to improve their performance.

  • Impact

    Reducing the pressure on archiving in the Courts to ease their access and archiving of documents, which in turn led to speeding up the litigation process. In addition to the fact that Court sessions are recorded at the same time through the computer, therefore it has become easier to obtain data and information through the electronic database.