
Waste management Grant

  • Local Partners

    Mahrah Youth Unity Association

  • Location

    Al Mahrah,-

  • Beneficiaries



Waste management Grant

A set of activities have been implemented, including dialogues to improve coordination and cooperation between local authorities and departments related to the Cleaning and Improvement Fund (CIF) in the governorate for long-term development and to meet the needs of the CIF including capacity building of administrative, financial and technical staff in planning and managing resources. 25 GPS devices were provided and installed for twenty-five vehicles of the garbage collection trucks and 64 garbage barrels were provided, in addition to carrying out some awareness activities.

  • Project Idea

    Due to the great shortage of waste barrels and as a result of the expansion of al-Ghayda city and the increase in the population rates that led to a pressure on the services and cleaning fund, and due to the poor resources and budget allocated to the cleaning fund, this initiative was implemented, represented in the provision of garbage barrels and the installation of tracking devices (GPS) for many of garbage collection cars in the city.

  • Goal

    Providing support to the Cleaning and Improvement Fund of the local authority of Al-Ghayda city to face their growing challenges.

  • Impact

    Raising community awareness of the proper practices of garbage collection, improving hygiene and the aesthetic view of the city, and alleviating diseases resulting from the accumulation of garbage.